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50 Supporters

Pliny E.
started this petition to
The Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP, Deputy Prime Minister, United Kingdom
Same sex couples have been allowed to get married in the UK

The UK's twin legal bans on same-sex civil marriages and opposite-sex civil partnerships are unjust discrimination. In a democratic society, everyone should be equal before the law.We urge that both civil marriages and civil partnerships should be open to gay and heterosexual couples, with no discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The UK government is committed to legalise same-sex civil marriage (not religious marriage) by 2015 but it is refusing to legalise opposite-sex civil partnerships. It currently has a consultation process where it is seeking the views of the public.

The churches have mobilised hundreds of thousands of people to sign a petition against same-sex civil marriages in register offices (which are civil ceremonies that have nothing to do with religion and religious marriages) .

We need to counter the government’s and church’s opposition to full equality. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone is entitled to equal treatment and protection against discrimination, including the right to marry.

Legalising same -sex marriage is the recognition that LGBT people are of equal worth, equally part of humanity and have the right to the equal validation of their love. The same principle of equality applies in the case of civil partnerships. Heterosexual couples should be able to have a civil partnership if they wish.

By signing this petition, we can let the government know that we want equality in both civil marriage and civil partnership law. Help us send a message for universal equal rights. It’s in your hands.
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