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Save Nangang Bottle Cap Factory 拯救南港瓶蓋工廠

Save Nangang Bottle Cap Factory 拯救南港瓶蓋工廠

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This petition has been created by Rebecca L. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Rebecca L.
started this petition to
Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou
Taipei has moved on to the next phase in the process towards becoming the WDC 2016 . Please support Taipei to become a real World Design Capital , and let the designers and design enthusiasts in the whole world have the opportunity to experience Taipei City designed to bring energy and change.

Nangang Bottle Cap Factory (URS 13) (facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaveNangangBottleCapFactory) is one of the URS bases, which appears in the campaign films. We are proud of the achievements of urban regeneration (URS), which merges the old and new and can ignite cultural and creative sparks. But because of Taipei City Government's re-zoning plan, it is soon to be demolished. So we need your attention to encourage the Department of Cultural Affairs in Taipei to retain the huge industrial heritage site, and incorporate it into the city's list of protected monuments. It also has the opportunity to become the base of World Design Capital 2016.

Taipei's international competition film for World Design Capital 2016:

Taipei's domestic promotional film for World Design Capital 2016:

Why it should become the Base of World Design Capital

Nangang Bottle Cap Factory hosted related art exhibition in Taipei World Design Expo 2011. In Blueprint Magazine in the UK (a leading magazine of architecture and design), it was featured in December 2010. (http://www.blueprintmagazine.co.uk/index.php/design/made-in-taiwan/) The title is "Made in Taiwan." As the report pointed out, "The bottle-cap factory attracted the interest of the international team as a potential mixed-use site." The government spent lots of money for Nangang 2050 project, in which Nangang Bottle Cap Factory would be the center of arts and culture. According to Blueprint, "A model of the re-imagined bottle-cap factory shows its transformation into place of live-work units and exhibition space...Nangang 2050 opened borders between different sectors around shared discussions of the city, offering a new model in which academic expertise is applied to real-life situations...As Vincent Nadin from TU Delft deftly concluded, ‘This wouldn’t happen in the UK. Academics, researchers, designers around the table with policy makers, politicians, local government and developers – if only!’"

Precious Industrial and War Heritage
The buildings in the factory were constructed at different times, showcasing Taiwan's architectural history. There're buildings from the Japanese occupation era, Retrocession, to the time after 1960. In addition to the warehouses with rare cypress roofs, the whole area includes the factory buildings with special ceiling holes and windows, office buildings, and for the workers' living needs, there're also bathrooms, a canteen, an auditorium, a barber shop, etc. Moreover, in the closed area, there's the boss' house built during colonial period, which retains the full pattern of Japanese architecture, and even the maids' rooms are still preserved. The space, compartments, stairs, roofs, ceilings, and windows are quite distinctive. The light sheds from different angles so the space also exudes heterogeneous beauty even if it was abandoned for a long time. Within the park, there are three air-raid shelters used during World War II, and a fort. All are precious wartime heritage. The Ministry of Culture in Taiwan was planning to include it as part of UNESCO World Recommendations. Prof. Yukio Nishimura (President of ICOMOS Japan) also affirmed its value.

Important Achievements of URS
In recent years, URS 13 project led to the involvement of surrounding communities and let us rediscover the dusty factory of Nangang District famous as Black Town. We revived the old space with art and design. Revitalization of historic buildings is in full compliance with the current international trend. It not only respects and cherishes our historical trajectory, but accumulates culture as well. The designers also have a stage to show their talents. Taipei citizens have a shelter in the concrete jungle.

URS 13 is exactly an oasis for many artists, musicians, filmmakers, young people, children, parents, and nearby residents. In the domestic campaign film, the CEO of "We create," Mr. Han Wu, said: "Taipei City's greatest asset is her old culture and history as well as new creative talents. Those old houses, which are even older than my grandfather, can be the city's creative bases...This old abandoned factory is full of infinite imagination and possibilities in my eyes." This beautiful factory filled with infinite imagination is an important example of URS--Nangang Bottle Cap Factory.

Art, Fashion, Music and Film Industry
Since Nangang Bottle Cap Factory was abandoned, it has attracted numerous graffiti artists. The URS project revitalized the space and many eminent international and domestic artists left their marks in the factory. They transformed it into a colorful paradise of fun. The British street artist Filthy Luker's funny eyes can still be found on the outside walls and pillars. Buff Diss from Melbourne used tapes to create a steam train on the wall of a building. Japanese artist Katsuhiko Hibino's large-scale installation, a ship named SEED, is still anchored in a warehouse. Canadian graffiti artist DBSK1's amazing painted space. Taiwanese graffiti artist Reach's largest work. COLASA, Candy Bird, MrOrgay.... Countless wonderful works which have become classical. This is not only a Blue Print by Liu Kuo-Chang in Tainan, which is also in danger and has attracted international attention. Here is the hard work of numerous artists around the world. People say it's like 5 pointz in Asia. But it's more than that. It has become one of the most important bases for street art, sound art and digital art in Taiwan. The venue has hosted many large-scale art exhibitions, music festivals, group night strolls and served as the studio for numerous shootings of images and films. (116 films in 2 years!) It was even chosen by renowned international fashion photographers to shoot a cool Taiwanese fashion label, which exhibited in Berlin Fashion Week.

Tourist Attraction
Somehow it's even more well-known for foreigners in Taiwan because of its electronic music parties. Thus, you can find many introductions in English about this place.





Here a German reporter said "This is one of the most fascinating places I have seen in Taipei recently." (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150333723133295.341461.234843808294&type=1)
After we started the action of saving Nangang Bottle Cap Factory, another Swiss reporter who works for DRADIO contacted us because he wanted to find good examples of revitalizing industrial heritage and he believes that URS 13 is the best. But unfortunately it's going to be demolished and he was forced to change his topic. For them, it's more interesting than the famous Huashan 1914 and Songshan Tobacco Park, which have become too commercialized.

Forest of Old Trees
The factory also contains a forest of old trees. (Many of them are over 100 years old.) Demolition will kill the forest and destroy nature,

Please support our campaign to save Nangang Bottle Cap Factory and sign the petition.

Facebook page:



台北2016世界設計之都國際競標影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNkVeVi3XQU 台北2016世界設計之都國內宣傳影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APW6RvyysYc

南港瓶蓋工廠舉辦過世界設計大展的關聯性展覽,更出現在國外的設計雜誌。在英國的Blueprint Magazine (一個頂尖的關於建築與設計的雜誌)於2010年底有篇專題報導,標題是「台灣製造」。這篇報導指出南港瓶蓋工廠吸引了國際團隊來將其改造成混和多用途的空間,這個目標要將瓶蓋工廠轉變活化成南港一帶的藝文軸的南港2050計畫花了不少錢,Blueprint雜誌說這個案例讓學術專業應用到實際生活中,荷蘭TU Delft教授Vincent Nadin更說:「這絕對不會發生在英國,學術圈,研究員,設計師能夠跟決策者,政客,地方政府與開發商同桌討論--如果這真的能發生的話!」

這座工廠的建築在不同年代建立,是一部台灣近代建築史的縮影,有日據時代,光復初期,還有民國50年後建立的房子。除了珍稀的檜木屋頂倉庫,你還可找到各式有特殊孔洞開窗的工廠建築,辦公大樓,還為了工人生活需求,建了浴室、有福利社、禮堂、理髮廳等,最特別的是封閉區裡有日治時期的主管宿舍,裡面保有完整的日式建築格局,甚至連婢女所居住的小隔間都還保存著。 工廠空間隔間、樓梯配置、屋頂天花板、與窗戶皆相當有特色,光線從各角度灑下讓空間即使荒廢也散發出異質的美感。園區內還有三個二戰時通到202兵工廠的防空洞、砲台,是珍貴的戰地遺產。文化部更在去年要將其與其他首都鐵道遺產一起列為世界遺產潛力點。其價值更受世遺委員東京大學副校長西村幸夫先生的肯定。

URS 13都市再生重要成果
這幾年來,URS 13 計畫帶動了社區周邊的參與,讓我們重新認識這座塵封已久的工廠。我們走進這座建築物,利用新舊並陳的空間激盪出文化創意的火花。我們用藝術設計復甦它,為它注入活水。再利用活化舊空間完全符合當今國際潮流,不只尊重珍惜我們的歷史軌跡,也留下積累出的文化厚度,更讓設計人才有發揮長才之處,我們希望讓台北市民在水泥叢林裡有片綠洲,有個庇護所。

在設計之都國內宣傳片裡的URS 13 南港瓶蓋工廠正是許多藝樹家、音樂創作者、電影工作者、年輕人、小孩、小孩父母、附近居民等的心靈綠洲。在影片中,「我們創造事務所」執行長吳漢中先生說:「台北市最大的資產是她舊的文化歷史以及新的創意人才,這些遠比我阿公年紀還要大的老房子,都可以是這城市的創意基地……這棟廢棄的老工廠在我眼中其實充滿了無限想像及無限可能。」這棟充滿無限想像與可能的美麗老工廠正是URS重要成果南港瓶蓋工廠。

南港瓶蓋工廠在停產閒置期間,便吸引了無數塗鴉藝術家在此創作。而URS 再利用時更留下眾多國內外傑出藝術家的娤置藝術與壁畫。他們把瓶蓋工廠轉變成一個充滿趣味的彩繪天堂。牆上柱子上還有英國街頭藝術家Filthy Luker 逗趣的眼珠,墨爾本膠帶藝術家Buff Diss黏貼在圍牆與建築物裡的蒸汽火車,日本藝術家日比野克彥的大型裝置種子號,加拿大塗鴉藝術家DBSK1的彩繪空間,台灣塗鴉大師Reach生平最大幅壁畫,COLASA, Candy Bird, 黑雞先生....無數已成經典的精彩作品。這裡不是只有一幅也面臨拆除危機而引起國際關注的藍晒圖,這裡有無數來自世界各地藝術家的心血...有人說它像亞洲的5Pointz (一個在紐約即將拆除的塗鴉勝地),但其實它遠勝於此,近年來它已經成為台灣最重要的街頭、聲音、數位藝術基地,它辦過許多大型展覽、音樂季活動、社團夜遊及更有數不清平面、動態的影像拍攝,可說是北市廢墟小片場,(2年內有超過116片在此拍攝)。甚至是知名國際攝影師為台灣品牌參加柏林時裝周時的取景地。

它是台灣非常少數在開放短短幾年就累積如此高國際知名度的景點。你可以找到相當多的英文介紹與網誌推薦。有位德國記者就曾說它是他最近在台北發現最有意思的地方。在我們開始拯救南港瓶蓋工廠的行動後,粉絲頁的信箱曾收到瑞士記者的來信,他為德國電台"DRADIO" 準備節目討論不同城市怎麼利用其空間;而且重點放在舊建築的「再利用」。說希望採訪南港瓶蓋工廠,因為很多人推薦這個地方,他也來過這裡,他覺得台北像華山和松菸都太過商業化,沒有這裡有趣,很遺憾這裡竟然要被拆除。




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