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Save Howe Sound, Again!

Save Howe Sound, Again!

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by gillian S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
gillian S.
started this petition to
Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia, Bill Bennet, Minister of Energy and Mines, ENV.Minister@gov.bc.ca, Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism, jtst.minister@gov.bc.ca, premier@gov.bc.ca, FLNR.Minister@gov.bc.ca, ENV.Minister@gov.bc.ca, jtst.minister@gov.bc.ca, mem.minister@gov.bc.ca, STSB.Minister@gov.bc.ca, jordan.sturdy.mla@leg.bc.ca, nicholas.simons.mla@leg.bc.ca, Richard Fleming, Avaaz

Prevent the industrial development crisis in Howe Sound before it's too late! Howe Sound is worth millions in its natural state - for tourism, film, and preservation of a majestic and diverse ecosystem.

Howe Sound urgently needs a comprehensive management plan that addresses the cumulative impacts of many proposed projects for this region such as : Woodfibre LNG Facility and Mass Tankers, Burnco 77 hectare open-pit gravel mine, Large-scale Vancouver Garbage Incinerator, Run of River Power Project, and Clear-cut logging of up to one quarter of Gambier Island.

After millions of dollars have been spent on the recovery of industrial abuse, this fjord is at risk of losing its current and future economic and social value. This area is of critical importance to the world, since Howe Sound is home to prehistoric glass sponge reefs, and habitat for orcas killer whales, grey whales, humpback whales, dolphins and many other endangered and threatened species.

Howe Sound is one of the few remaining areas of the province without a Land and Marine Resource Management Plan. The solution to over-industrialization of Howe Sound is to make a comprehensive plan before it's too late!

Citizens are speaking up to insist all levels of government prioritize a sustainable plan for the entire region of Howe Sound.

For more information go here http://savehowesound.org

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