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Sign up to fight for Affordable Housing for All in British Columbia

Sign up to fight for Affordable Housing for All in British Columbia

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This petition has been created by Marcus W. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Marcus W.
started this petition to
Hon. Christy Clark


We demand immediate provincial government housing action to solve the housing crisis in BC:

1. Build 10,000 units of good quality social housing per year.

2. Prioritize social housing units for Indigenous Peoples, migrants, women, seniors, people with mental health and physical disabilities including HIV/AIDs, and vulnerable low-income people who are disproportionately at risk of homelessness and hidden homelessness.

3. Save existing low rent housing by enforcing maintenance standards; maintain non-market projects whose operating agreements are expiring; freeze rents & don’t allow increased rents when tenants move; and close loopholes in the Residential Tenancy Act to stop renovictions.

4. Protect tenants. Recognize tenant unions and their power to negotiate with landlords; Make all supportive & student housing fully covered by the Residential Tenancy Act.

5. Include everyone who needs housing. End eligibility discrimination and make all BC residents eligible for BC Housing. Extend housing rights to temporary migrant workers by granting them permanent legal status.

6. Fund social housing through taxation as a social responsibility of the government, and support residents of communities to develop and manage their social housing themselves.


11,000 are homeless in British Columbia

40,000 are hidden homeless (e.g. couch surfing)

66,000 people are at risk of homelessness in British Columbia due to high rents

A political decision is required: for example, If just 1% of provincial GDP was invested in housing this crisis would be solved in 15 years.

Join the fight for Social Housing and Tenant Rights.

STAND UP for SOCIAL HOUSING NOW! Saturdays from noon to 1:00 p.m.

Find background information and stand locations on our website: http://socialhousingbc.com

Posted (Updated )