Ministerstwo Nauki: Stop okrutnym eksperymentom na zwierzętach
Oto przykłady:
* poddawanie zwierząt oparzeniom i urazom bez znieczulenia,
* wywoływanie choroby popromiennej,
* doprowadzanie do śmierci przez: głodzenie, odwodnienie, działanie temperatury, zatrucie
* wywoływanie nieprawidłowości anatomicznych lub fizjologicznych powodujących ból i cierpienie.
Polish government just approved the bill about torturing animals - not only in scientific laboratories, but even in schools.
In accordance with the act:
1) Even schoolgoers will be able to provide experiments on animals
2) There will be no inspections (audits) in laboratories
3) Information about experiments will not be published (so we will not even know if those experiments were really necessary for science development)
4) Ethic Comission approval to kill an animal will not be necessarry anymore
Because current Polish law is protecting animals better, than European Union law. And Polish government wants to introduce EU law to satisfy Polish biomedical lobby, which has strong position in Polish Ministry of Science. Most members of Polish Ethic Comission are people providing experiments. This Comission do not want to accept humanistic scientists as their members. And even accepted resolution about it.
Even now there are more than 233 500 animals used for experiments in Poland every year.
50% of them are used to "X level experiments" (procedures causing extreme suffering) and "4 level experiments" (procedures causing irreversible damage of animal's body and severe pain). For example:
- burning and causing other injury without any anaesthetic
- causing radiation sickness
- causing death by: starving, dehydration, temperature influence, poisoning
- causing anomalies in anathomy or physiology, resulting in severe pain
And because of new bill concerning experiments on animals - it will be even worse!