Walmart: No Toxic Corn on our Shelves!
To Rob Walton, Chair of the Walmart Board:
As concerned citizens from around the world, we call on you to prevent Monsanto's Bt toxin corn from entering our global food supply chain by keeping it out of your stores. A recent scientific study found traces of Bt toxins in 93% of pregnant women and their fetuses, making Monsanto’s corn a threat to human health and a far cry from the green standard and family values Walmart promises to uphold. We urge you to protect your customers from this toxic corn.
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Walmart has struck a deal to sell Monsanto corn containing Bt toxins -- a pesticide that works by exploding the stomach of insects who eat it! Several major stores are refusing to sell the corn -- we already know it causes organ failures in rats, hurts cows, and a recent study found traces of the dangerous chemical in the blood of 93% of pregnant women that were tested. Only a massive public appeal directly to Walmart could protect us from this potential poison.
The corn is being harvested right now, we don't have a minute to lose -- sign the petition on the right and when we reach one million signers Avaaz will paper the small town where Walmart is based with ads calling on them to keep the corn away from our families:
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