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Stop the Keystone XL pipeline

US President Barack Obama and US Secretary of State John Kerry:

If climate change is the world's most fearsome Weapon of Mass Destruction, you have a tremendous opportunity to cut one of its fuses. We call on you to reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline -- it's not in the interests of the US or the world.

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Stop the Keystone XL pipeline
Right now, President Obama is being forced to decide whether to approvea monstrous pipeline that would transport up to 830,000 barrels of the world's dirtiest oil from Canada across the US.

Insiders say he wants to save our planet, but industry is lobbying with unprecedented force. Public opposition delayed this project once, and now the State Department, responsible for the US's relationship with the world, is in the middle of an open comment process. If we flood it with a million strong global outcry, we can give Obama the support he needs to kill this deadly plan for good.

We only have days left to send our messages -- send a message on the right
and Avaaz will deliver them alongside the million comments being mobilized in the US alone.

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