Stop the Monsanto frankenseed factory
To President Cristina Kirchner, the Mayor of Malvinas and Córdoba authorities :
As concerned global citizens, we urge you to immediately stop Monsanto’s plans to build a massive GM seed laboratory in Córdoba, and consult with the local community. The plant and the pesticides that will be used in it could pose serious health risks to local people and it undermines people’s right to decide what food is produced and consumed in their communities. The government must ensure that GM policy in Argentina reflects the wishes of its citizens.
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Monsanto manufactures the genetically modified seeds that, when combined with toxic pesticides, create the devastating 'monocultures' -- where nothing grows but a single plant -- that increasingly cover our planet. Now they plan to build one of the world's largest GM seed factories in Malvinas.
Sofía, worried about health risks from the plant, has joined the protests, backed by nearly 70% of the area's residents. If 1 million of us join the people of Malvinas in the next 3 days, we can raise the profile of the issue in local media, feature the petition in an ad campaign, and push the unpopular Argentine President to shut down the plant and roll back the spread of Monsanto's toxic agriculture.
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