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Copenhagen: The Fight Continues!

Copenhagen: The Fight Continues!:

Petition to the 110 Presidents and Prime Ministers responsible:

We call on each one of you to make the concessions necessary to meet your historic responsibility in this crisis. Rich countries must offer fair funding, and all countries must set ambitious targets on emissions. Do not leave Copenhagen without a fair, ambitious and binding deal that keeps the world safe from catastrophic global warming of 2 degrees.

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Copenhagen: The Fight Continues!
Above-one of 3000 climate vigils in 140 countries held Saturday
The Copenhagen climate summit ended up in failure: an unambitious, non-binding accord that leaders themselves admit won't come close to tackling climate change.

Their failure is a disappointment -- and their failure is a challenge. We must work harder, demand more and never resile from our fight for our children and our planet.

That fight continues now. In just 6 weeks time leaders of each country will lock in their nation's emissions reduction targets under this week's agreement.

We must show leaders that their inaction is unacceptable.

Join over 14 million people from around the world in the largest ever climate petition. Our campaign will continue to build until we get a Real Deal - we won't accept a sham. Sign below, tell everyone -- it's not too late:

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