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We support you Malala

We support you Malala

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This petition has been created by Alaphia Z. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Alaphia Z.
started this petition to
General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani , Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf
Shot on the way to school for championing girls' education, Malala now lies in a hospital bed, victim of the Taliban reign of terror. Let's show that her bravery has been noticed across the world.

Despite threats and intimidation, she's fought courageously, in person and via the media for Pakistani girls to have a chance to learn alongside boys. Now, just 14 years old, she's fighting for her life.

If we sign a powerful message of support for Malala today, we can encourage her swift recovery and ensure she knows she's not alone.
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