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Ban of toxic aluminium compounds in all areas of life

Ban of toxic aluminium compounds in all areas of life

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This petition has been created by Bert E. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Bert E.
started this petition to
EMA (European Medicines Agency)

Aluminium is used with multiple chemical compounds (aluminium hydroxide, aluminium chloride, aluminium sulphate,…) in cosmetics, food and medications. Nobody – not even the lobbyists – deny that bioavailable aluminium compounds are toxic. Lobbyists argue that „there is no risk at the low levels aluminium is used in these products“. In the last years more and more evidence shows that this is not true anymore if you take into account the multitude of applications where some kind of aluminium is included. It is common in everyday life: High doses of aluminium are used in antiperspirants and deodorants, in suntan lotion, in beauty cream, in heartburn medication, in vaccines, in buffered aspirin, baking powder and several colorants. Aluminium is even used as a cleaning agent for drinking water in most countries. So it effects the most sensitive areas of living. On the other hand scientist know that aluminium causes certain diseases and it is suspected that they contribute to more than 20 other diseases which became more and more common during the last centuries. Scientist publish more and more papers on the alarming effects on human health.

My name is Bert Ehgartner, I am science writer and documentary film maker. During the last two years I got deep into the topic. I did write a book (“Dirty Little Secret – Die Akte Aluminium” to date only available in German language) and made a 90 minutes documentary film (“The Age of Aluminium” english version available at www.ageofaluminum.org) where I provided the science behind this threat. I did meet a lot of excellent scientists on this field who told me, that it is nearly impossible to get funding for studies on the effects on aluminium on health. This funding stop has been arranged by the aluminium lobby whose characteristics remember more and more to the behaviour of the tobacco industry during the sixties and seventies. We really got to help to end this boycott of research!

Before we started to haul out aluminium from the earth crust – with the help of toxic chemicals and a lot of energy – life on earth was nearly free of aluminium. Aluminium does not have one single biological function and it is not used for any beneficial purpose. But we already know more than hundred mechanisms where Aluminium does harm. Each source of aluminium increases the body burden. Therefore we should urgently start to remove toxic aluminium compounds from any sensitive areas of life.

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