Not by military might and not by force of arms. By my spirit alone. Zech. 4:6
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God. Matthew 5:9
By Him whose hand is my soul, none of you will enter paradise until you believe, and none of you will believe until you love each other. (Sahih Al Bukhari)
If anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved All of Humankind (from Qur’an and Talmud)
Bothers and sisters in faith: Our hearts are breaking. We cannot eat and cannot sleep. We lament the loss and suffering of each and every person trembling from the trauma and destruction unleashed by Operation Pillar of Deadly Clouds.
End Operation Pillar of Deadly Clouds Immediately!
As people of faith we are pleading for an end to this terrible violence.
As people of faith, we believe that every human being has a right to live in peace and unafraid. As people of faith, we are united in a shared understanding that militarism is ungodly and profane. As people of faith, our traditions teach us that peace is achieved through the establishment of universal standards for human rights. We believe that military occupation, targeted assassination, firing rockets on civilians, illegal land appropriation, administrative detention, mass incarceration, enforced closure, blockade and siege, military targeting of civilian infrastructure, torture; denial of access to clean water, health care and education; forced separation of families, destruction of homes, farm land and property and the use of military weapons to enforce these actions amounts to sinful behavior. We are fasting as a witness to tragedy that the people of Gaza are enduring. End Operation Pillar of Deadly Clouds and let Operation Hopeful Future begin.