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The kidnapping and drugging of Infant baby Rico Nagel-Martinez

The kidnapping and drugging of Infant baby Rico Nagel-Martinez

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This petition has been created by Tomás B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Tomás B.
started this petition to
Julie Stevermer, Lisa Kocer, Erin Sullivan Sutton Mn DHS Assistant Commisioner, Lucinda Jesson DHS Commisioner, Christine Borsheim DHS Director of Child & family Services, Governor Mark Dayton http://mn.gov/governor/contact-us/form/, Lt. Governor, Yvonne Prettner Solon http://mn.gov/governor/contact-us/form/, Senator Dan Sparks (DFL) District 27 sen.dan.sparks@senate.mn, Representative Jeanne Poppe (DFL) District: 27B rep.jeanne.poppe@house.mn , Senator Amy Klobuchar http://www.klobuchar.senate.gov/emailamy.cfm, Tim Walz The 1st District of Minnesota https://forms.house.gov/walz/webforms/zip_auth.shtm, Commissioner Mike Ankeny, Commissioner Jerry Reinartz, Commissioner Tim Gabrielson, Commissioner Tony Bennett, Commissioner Polly Glynn
Current belief systems in the HIV Theories of AIDS and pediatric cases of HIV Positive Baby's have driven a political assault on parental rights, where many infant children are abducted and ripped away from parents arms by so called "Child Protection Services".

In the case of Baby Rico Nagel-Martinez, the Mother who was adopted in Romania and brought to Minnesota 23 years ago, tested antibody negative in Romania and then tested antibody positive just weeks after arriving to the U.S.

Lindsey Nagel a beautiful 23 year old "HIV Positive" woman was given the deadliest drug known to man, AZT, at just 2 years old. Fearing for their infant baby girl's life, Steve and Cheryl Nagel stopped the AZT drug regimen and Lindsey healed from the deadly AZT symptoms and survived.

Looking back Lindsey and her adoptive parents note that out of a dozen or so pediatric "HIV" cases, Lindsey is the only survivor in her home town of Minnesota, none of the other children on AZT lived.

Today, Lindsey Nagel and her fiance John Martinez face Lindsey's past as the CPS and Mower County in Minnesota have taken their infant baby Rico in and out of the court system. They have threatened Lindsey with Child endangerment although infants carry maternal antibodies for up to 18 to 36 months, the pediatrics division of the Mayo Clinic have defined Baby Rico Nagel-Martinez "HIV Positive" using testing methods that have never been scientifically validated.

Baby Rico Nagel-Martinez, has suffered an infected puncture hole in his stomach and with the toxic drug his mother swallowed, AZT was fed directly into his stomach with a G-Tube, The innocent Baby has suffered life threatening skin reactions from at least four Antiretroviral drugs that are FDA Black Boxed drugs, which means they can kill. Baby Rico has been on Morphine, Oxycotins, and many other drugs aside from the toxic Antiretrovirus drugs.

The Nagels have been threatened, and at the hands of Judge Fred Wellman and Doctor Thomas Boyce of Mayo clinic, infant baby Rico's life hang's on a limb against life threatening, direct effects of the drugs. Baby Rico's mother Lindsey is forced by county officials to do what's called "Skyping a Drug" live at least twice a day. This is not public health, this is madness.

We can make a change, Documentarian and Journalist Celia Farber is heading an international plea for help and support for Baby Rico, in hopes of warning thousands of pregnant women around the world that being pregnant in and of itself can light up "HIV antibody Test Kits" and the CPS and Government officials will take their child and drug them to death.

We hope that some day Mower County will pay their dues for what they have done to an innocent infant child.

There are thousands of "HIV Positives" around the world living without Toxic, Life-ending drugs and surrogate lab numbers. Please help us support Baby Rico and stop the drugging of infant children.





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