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Stop the VIOLENCE in Turkey
A A.
started this petition to
Stephen Harper, Thomas J. Mulcair, Miguel Figueroa, Justin Trudeau,Daniel Paillé, Elizabeth May
Dear friends across Canada,
On May 28, 2013 a group of activists gathered at Gezi Park (a central park) in Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey, to peacefully demonstrate the municipal plan to demolish the park and build the 94th shopping mall in the city. Turkish police attacked the protestors violently with tear gas and water cannon, directly targeting their faces and bodies. Dozens of protestors were hospitalized and access to the park is blocked without any legal basis. The disproportionate police response to the peaceful demonstrators triggered nationwide protests.
Since then, the protests have spread to 67 cities in Turkey. Despite the continued peaceful nature of the demonstrations, the Turkish police have continued to intensify excessive violence by using water cannons, rubber bullets and teargas, even by throwing gas canisters into houses, shopping malls, and mosques. Maltreatment has caused over a thousand serious injuries, some leading to alleged deaths. According to reports, protestors on the street and in detention are being prevented access to appropriate medical care. 730 people are under custody. There are worrisome reports of alleged tortures. Excessive force against peaceful protesters breaches international human rights standards and must be stopped URGENTLY.
Now more than ever, we need massive pressure to urge the Turkish government to stop using excessive force against protesters immediately. We are inviting Canadian residents and politicians to condemn the Turkish government.
Please sign the urgent petition now, and then share this widely. Only a giant outcry will pressure Erdogan to act immediately.
On May 28, 2013 a group of activists gathered at Gezi Park (a central park) in Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey, to peacefully demonstrate the municipal plan to demolish the park and build the 94th shopping mall in the city. Turkish police attacked the protestors violently with tear gas and water cannon, directly targeting their faces and bodies. Dozens of protestors were hospitalized and access to the park is blocked without any legal basis. The disproportionate police response to the peaceful demonstrators triggered nationwide protests.
Since then, the protests have spread to 67 cities in Turkey. Despite the continued peaceful nature of the demonstrations, the Turkish police have continued to intensify excessive violence by using water cannons, rubber bullets and teargas, even by throwing gas canisters into houses, shopping malls, and mosques. Maltreatment has caused over a thousand serious injuries, some leading to alleged deaths. According to reports, protestors on the street and in detention are being prevented access to appropriate medical care. 730 people are under custody. There are worrisome reports of alleged tortures. Excessive force against peaceful protesters breaches international human rights standards and must be stopped URGENTLY.
Now more than ever, we need massive pressure to urge the Turkish government to stop using excessive force against protesters immediately. We are inviting Canadian residents and politicians to condemn the Turkish government.
Please sign the urgent petition now, and then share this widely. Only a giant outcry will pressure Erdogan to act immediately.
(Updated )
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