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Stop destroying Tibet's holy sites

Stop destroying Tibet's holy sites

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This petition has been created by Siân C. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Siân C.
started this petition to
Government of China
China destroys the ancient Buddhist symbols of Lhasa City in Tibet
Thursday, 09 May 2013 13:00 Yeshe Choesang, The Tibet Post International

Dharamshala: - - Ignoring both religious freedom and the outcry of the Tibetan people, the Chinese authorities have begun demolishing the ancient capital of Lhasa, including one of the most important Buddhist sites of the city, Tibet's holiest Jokhang Temple.

Chinese authorities are planning to destroy the ancient Buddhist capital of Lhasa, and replace it with a tourist city similar to Lijiang "Shangri-La" in Yunnan Province. Several large-scale construction projects are underway for a number of shopping malls around the Buddhist holy temple as well as underground parking at Barkhor Street.
This is not only one of the most important ancient Buddhist monuments in Tibet, but in the whole world.
The Chinese Government should preseve it to attract tourists, if nothing else. No one will wnt to visit a new Disneyland Shangri-La.

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