Stop Genocite of Bulgarian People
Stefania A.
started this petition to
EU Parliament, Bulgarian Government
This concerns the existence ot one of the oldest people in Europe. The corruption and ill will of Bulgarian governments since 1989 and the negligence of the EU have caused half of the young educated citizens of my country to emigrate in search of a better life.The majority of Bulgarian People live in a silent despair and misery, their income being less than their electric bills, 50 % of the young people are unemployed, even illiterate.
Once a prosperous social state with free health care and education and 100 % population employment in industry and agriculture, today Bulgaria has completely lost her dignity and has ruined economy, education & health system.
Once a prosperous social state with free health care and education and 100 % population employment in industry and agriculture, today Bulgaria has completely lost her dignity and has ruined economy, education & health system.
(Updated )
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