This petition is closed

We stopped AB 55! The State of California AB 55 Committee voted the petition down!
Cheryl F.
started this petition to
Govenor Jerry Brown, President Barack
As members and supporters of the Italian American Community in California, we hold Christopher Columbus in high regard for his historic achievements. We teach our children the story of the 'discovery' of this great land,we call America, that story is a part of our nation' s fabric and beginnings of our new world. That story is also an important part of our Italian Heritage. We honor Columbus on the 2nd Monday of October this year and on that day, we celebrate and share our Italian Culture and heritage . A culture and heritage, rich in traditions and steeped in patriotism that bursts from the chests of 16 to 26 million American Italians who call this great nation of the United States home! Please support this petition by signing yes to Defeating Bill AB55.
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