Save the Pacific from dying
Suliana S.
started this petition to
United Nations General Secretary, President Obama, Prime Ministers of Japan, Korea and Canada
Since the major earthquake that damaged Fukushima's 4 Nuclear reactors in Japan, about 90% of nuclear pollution four times that of Chernobyl disaster has already been released into the Pacific Ocean. Long term radiation damage from long lived radioactive pollutants will persist through several generations and cause irreparable harm to life both in the ocean and on land. For Pacific islanders and coastal dwellers on the American and Asian fringing continents the marine life that is the source of their livelihoods will be badly affected. Human populations themselves will suffer as already demonstrated by Chernobyl, and other populations exposed to harmful nuclear radiation -notably Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rongelap and Bikini islanders.Their plight will be the plight of the whole world as nuclear radiation from Fukushima over decades finally disperses world wide. We must ask the UN to send an independent team of experts to assess the damage to Fukushima reactors and advise urgently on measures to prevent any more leakages from Fukushima's damaged reactors. Support this petition for the sake of humanity and future generations. We must gather 1000 signatures to send this petition to the UN.
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