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Save The Maui's Dolphin

Save The Maui's Dolphin

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Sarah B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Sarah B.
started this petition to
The world's smallest dolphin - the Maui's - needs our help. A new study has just found that there are only 55 adult dolphins left , making it one of the most critically endangered marine species in the world. It lives exclusively off the coast of New Zealand, a nation which markets itself as "100% Pure" - and yet the government is dragging its feet in protecting the dolphin.

Fishing nets in the area continue to kill these magnificent dolphins, with a crucial female killed in nets as recently as January. But an even greater threat looms. Mineral extraction company TTR have recently completed tests to mine the seabed of the Maui's dolphin habitat for iron ore. Word is they like what they've found and will apply for a mining license by August. If granted this would almost certainly be the end of this playful, highly intelligent creature.

In the face of growing outrage, the government has announced a public consultation about protecting the dolphin. But while they talk, dolphins are dying. Prime Minister John Key can stop this assault on nature by immediately banning all gill net and trawler fishing and declining all licenses for seabed mining in the Maui's dolphin habitat. Let’s ask him to live up to New Zealand's "100% Pure" credentials and act now to bring this species back from the brink of extinction.

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