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Save Art! Legorreta's "Casa del Agua" Scheduled for Demolition

Save Art! Legorreta's "Casa del Agua" Scheduled for Demolition

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Anna H.
started this petition to
Municipal Government, Seogwipo City, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea; Provincial Government, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Republic of Korea; National Government, Republic of Korea
Casa del Agua, "House of Water," located on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, is the final work of renowned Mexican architect Ricardo Legorreta (1931-2011). Due to financial difficulties resulting in a 2011 change in ownership of the land on which this structure sits, and a recent court decision that the structure known as The Gallery does not meet local land use regulations, this significant work is scheduled for imminent demolition. Mexico's government and the Ambassador of Mexico to the Republic of Korea have urged the municipal, provincial and national governments of Korea to reconsider this decision for the sake of Legorreta's legacy and the contribution of this work to the international art community. Thus far, the governments have not agreed to reconsider and the destruction of this artwork is still planned. Please see: http://www.jejuweekly.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2791
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