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Help save lavender, aromatic and medicinal plants

Help save lavender, aromatic and medicinal plants

1 have signed. Let's get to
50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Catherine J. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Catherine J.
started this petition to
Monsieur le Président de la Commission Européenne

Lavender and other aromatic and medicinal plants along with their extracts have been used throughout history and form part of our common heritage. Their benefits have been proven over thousands of years.

Today, under European regulations, these natural products have been placed in the same category as man-made chemical products and as such they are subject to restrictions which in practice make it impossible to continue their use.

The only ones to benefit from this situation are the chemical industries who will have free reign to substitute their synthesised chemical products for the natural products. This will be detrimental to consumers’ health and at the cost of the disappearance of rural and agricultural lands.

Don’t let them get away with this!

Help us to defend the cause and save these plants and their uses. By signing this petition, you will contribute to the preservation of natural products, those who cultivate them, and the environment they are cultivated in.

For more details and information, see the sites listed below:

l’APAL: http://www.lavande-provence-aoc.com/ (The Association of Lavender Essential Oil Producers)

PPAM de France: http://www.ppamdefrance.com/ (Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Professionals Union)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sauvons-le-naturel-Plantes-et-huiles-essentielles/510476939033154?fref=ts

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