Reject the development plans for 67a-71 Dalston Lane, London E8
The key concerns are that this development is:
* over-developed (exploiting Dalston's new-found cool factor);
* too tall (ignoring the council's own guidelines);
* aesthetically inappropriate (looming over a conservation area);
* over-stretching local services (parking, schools, doctors etc.);
* undermining local employment (up to 60% reduction in area);
* lacking in affordable housing (only 19%, Hackney's target is 50%);
* being steamrollered through by the planners.
We need to move fast! The council's planning sub-committee will discuss and potentially approve this application at its next meeting on 6th March 2013.
For a graphic illustration of how it will impact on the conservation area, see View 4 in this link http://bit.ly/W35ENC (PDF document)
You can find more background on the proposed application in Loving Dalston, Hackney's independent news website, at http://lovingdalston.co.uk/2011/05/e8-flats-green-power-doubts/. Or see the full planning application on Hackney Council's planning portal at http://bit.ly/11TtPpR