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Protect honest and upright IAS Officer - Durga Nagpal

Protect honest and upright IAS Officer - Durga Nagpal

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This petition has been created by Hemanth S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Hemanth S.
started this petition to
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shiva Kirti Singh (CJ), cj@allahabadhighcourt.in
An officer who has consistently taken action against corruption by coming down hard on the Contractor - Politician nexus like the Sand Mining Mafia in Uttar Pradesh, has been punished for her honesty. The Uttar Pradesh Government has succumbed to political pressure and suspended her. This is a NATIONAL SHAME, and we have to fight against such Banana Republic politics.

Please sign this petition that demands that the Officer be reinstated with an apology from the Uttar Pradesh Government.
Please sign this petition as it also demands that her superior officers who spinelessly succumbed to political pressure to issue the suspension order be proceeded against departmentally and exemplary punishment meted out to them.
Please sign this petition so that we will never again have the misfortune of being witness to such a low-life standard of politics.

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