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Pink Revolution of Healthcare in India

Pink Revolution of Healthcare in India

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This petition has been created by Girish K. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Girish K.
started this petition to
Shri Narendra Modi, PM of India
Let us start a PINK REVOLUTION of HEALTHCARE in INDIA, by investing 10% of GDP in public healthcare by the Govt now, from a shockingly low 1%!. Only 7 countries all round the world, spend less than we do, to look after the health of citizens! 230 Indian mothers die during childbirth, compared to 50 per 1 lakh childbirths in other BRIC countries. 66 Indian children under 5 yrs die in India, compared to 20 in other BRIC countries. Excellent facilities in hospitals, Primary Health Centres, for preventive & curative treatments, in the Government sector can and should be made possible with more funding and support. 400 million poor people need this kind of support badly and immediately. Indians have a RIGHT TO LIFE, and a RIGHT TO HEALTH is a vital part of this constitutional right. It is a duty of the Govt to provide good hospitals and medicines for all citizens now.
Remember that we need to help the millions of poor underprivileged citizens of our country, and increasing and upgrading the Govt healthcare system is vital and paramount to this goal. So much suffering of the poor is due to illness, and this needs to be sorted out now. Private healthcare will never be able to do so many of the things the Govt healthcare system does in India, and around the world. The recent plan to increase spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2017 is too little, too late, and totally inadequate. We can and should do much more to help the 400 million Indians who are below the official poverty line of Rs 32/day. 1 severe or moderate illness episode in the life of these impoverished millions is enough to set them back in life even more & erase their already slim chances of improving their living conditions.
And sanitation, clean water, health education, also need to be improved side by side with this also. A toilet in every house, clean drinking water, sewage & electricity connections to each house in India in needed now. Internet based and citizen based monitoring of spending and other controls can be implemented for effective funds utilisation.
Yes, we have to also work towards prevention of corruption in healthcare, as we do have to in other sectors. But it should not stop investment now. Corruption is not an excuse for the measly healthcare allocation that we have tolerated in india for so long. Let us all wake up and help our poor fellow citizens by this awesome step of vastly increased funding & healthcare upgradation by the Govt.
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