
PeaceHealth Hospital: End the Torture; Free Siddharta Fisher!
Cynthia F.
started this petition to
PeaceHealth Hospital
Remember the Boston Hospital Story? How a hospital basically kidnapped a couples adolescent daughter and refused to allow her to go home? Well now here is another story of what many would liken to kidnapping. PeaceHealth Hospital has an innocent man locked in their psychiatric ward. They have the police report that over and over again states he is innocent. He is feeling the pressure and agony of this extreme isolation and cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment. The UN defines this type of treatment by PeaceHealth Hospital as torture. End the torture of Siddharta Fisher; take responsibility for the harm this prolonged and dangerous treatment has caused in his life. To see police report A14-48 and more details Go to MentalHealthRightsYES.org
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