
No coal mine on the Denniston Plateau!
Alex W.
started this petition to
Rt Hon John Key, Hon Kate Wilkinson
The Denniston Plateau is scenically spectacular, utterly unique, ecologically diverse, geographically significant and home to a number of our rare and threatened species.
An open-cast mine would be irreversibly devastating – and of course,
the urgency of the transition away from fossil fuels is not diminishing
. If Bathurst Resources has its way,
Denniston will be the gateway to an extensive network of open-cast coal mines across this stunning mountain range
, cutting even into areas listed with DoC as "high priority for protection" in the Ngakawau Ecological District.
50,000 people marched in protest against mines in our conservation lands last year; granting Bathurst the right to mine the Denniston Plateau was an undemocratic act . Our Government must respect our collective commitment to our conservation lands but this precious place will be gone forever if we do not act quickly . Now is the time – lets transform the weight of our numbers into a political force!
50,000 people marched in protest against mines in our conservation lands last year; granting Bathurst the right to mine the Denniston Plateau was an undemocratic act . Our Government must respect our collective commitment to our conservation lands but this precious place will be gone forever if we do not act quickly . Now is the time – lets transform the weight of our numbers into a political force!
(Updated )
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