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Lyft fram fallet Dominic i svensk TV! (Kalla Fakta etc.)

Lyft fram fallet Dominic i svensk TV! (Kalla Fakta etc.)

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This petition has been created by Sanna E. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Sanna E.
started this petition to
Svenska folket, övriga världen, Till Kalla Fakta, Uppdrag Granskning mfl
(See information in english further down)

År 2009 fördes 7-åriga Dominic bort av svensk polis och placerades utan föräldrarnas vetskap eller medgivande i en fosterfamilj. Detta just då för att de valt att hemskola sin son i väntan på en flytt till moderns hemland Indien. (Läs mer info i engelsk text nedan). 4 år senare hålls Dominic fortfarande kvar i en fosterfamilj och föräldrarna har inte fått se honom på två år. Detta är ett av Sveriges i modern tid mest vidriga myndighetsövergrepp och vi - Det svenska folket - begär nu att detta lyfts fram i svensk TV - I Kalla Fakta, Uppdrag Granskning etc. - för Dominics skull, för hans föräldrars skull, för Svenska folkets och våra mänskliga rättigheters skull!

Läs mer om fallet Dominic här - samt se filmklipp från CBN News om fallet: http://aletheia.se/2012/12/17/gotland-omhandertagne-dominic-rattsovergrepp/

Och här! - Agera och skriv till Sveriges Högsta domstol: http://hslda.org/hs/international/Sweden/201304160.asp


In 2009, armed Swedish police abducted 7-year old Domenic Johansson from an airplane as he boarded a flight with his parents. Domenic was placed in a foster family without his parents knowledge or consent. He was so traumatised that he vomited until he was taken to the ER.

The authorities said that because Domenic had not attended kindergarten and his parents had chosen to homeschool him for a short time as they awaited their upcoming move to India, he was shy around other children. They also said that he had two cavities in his teeth and didn't have all of the recommended vaccinations.

They claimed his father was mentally ill, despite him passing a psychiatric test. They said he was a drug addict, despite him passing a drugs test. 4 years later Dominic is still held in foster care and his mother is very ill and suffers from panic attacks. This is one of modern Sweden's most disgusting abuses of authority but it has never been covered by the media. Now we - the Swedish people and people over the world - request that this case gets highlighted on Swedish Television - for Dominic's sake, for his parents' sake, for the Swedish people and for the sake of our human rights!

Read more about Dominic and the case here, take action and write to the supreme court:http://hslda.org/hs/international/Sweden/201304160.asp

Posted (Updated )