Hong Kong Government: Legislate a ban on the sale and possession of shark fin in Hong Kong.
The public is ready, the business sector is behind us - now is the time for a total sale and possession ban on shark fin in Hong Kong.
Sharks help maintain marine habitats such as coral reefs and help maintain ocean health.
Globally, governments, corporations and individuals are responding to this threat to our oceans. Since 2009, many countries have created shark sanctuaries that ban the commercial fishing of sharks and prohibit the sale, trade and possession of shark products. In March of this year, proposals to list five species of sharks were adopted by the Convention on the International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Over the past two years, 60% of Hong Kong’s top hotels have either banned shark fin soup or taken it off their menus, providing it on request only. Companies have committed to end serving shark at their functions, and several leading airlines have said they will no longer transport shark fin. Even the Government of Hong Kong has pledged to ban shark fin from official functions - if the Government recognizes that shark fin has no place at its functions, banning the unsustainable trade from Hong Kong is the next logical step.
Banning shark fin from Hong Kong will be a crucial step towards protecting the health of our oceans - please sign.
This petition is endorsed by:
+ Shark Rescue
+ MyOcean
+ WildAid
+ Mission Blue
+ ACE Foundation
+ The Po & Helen Chung Foundation
+ The Hong Kong Shark Foundation