
Norah A.
started this petition to
Congresso Nacional; Presidência da República; Advocacia Geral da União; Ministério Público Federal; Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento; Ministério do Meio Ambiente; Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior ; Ministério
It's a national SHAME!
Old, sick, abandoned, injured and unwanted horses (and donkeys) are being slaughtered in brazilian legalized slaughterhouses.
Not to mention the clandestine ones.
There is no such thing as "breeding horses for human consumption",
"Unwanted" and already hardly exploited animals are being "processed" and their "meat" exported to the European Union.
Please help us stop this.
No animal should be treated as an "export good".
This is a way of discarding unwanted animals, bypassing the laws against animal cruelty in the country. Their previous owners even are awarded with some money for it!
As if this was not enough, foreign enterpreneurs are given the license to establish this kind of "business" in Brazil, as is the case of the uruguayan group which will reopen the slaughterhouse named Prosperidad in june 2013, in Minas Gerais.
Their target is to kill and "process" one thousand horses/donkey per day.
Every single slaughterhouse should be SHUT.
No animal was born to become "food".
Old, sick, abandoned, injured and unwanted horses (and donkeys) are being slaughtered in brazilian legalized slaughterhouses.
Not to mention the clandestine ones.
There is no such thing as "breeding horses for human consumption",
"Unwanted" and already hardly exploited animals are being "processed" and their "meat" exported to the European Union.
Please help us stop this.
No animal should be treated as an "export good".
This is a way of discarding unwanted animals, bypassing the laws against animal cruelty in the country. Their previous owners even are awarded with some money for it!
As if this was not enough, foreign enterpreneurs are given the license to establish this kind of "business" in Brazil, as is the case of the uruguayan group which will reopen the slaughterhouse named Prosperidad in june 2013, in Minas Gerais.
Their target is to kill and "process" one thousand horses/donkey per day.
Every single slaughterhouse should be SHUT.
No animal was born to become "food".
(Updated )
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