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Support Palestinian Statehood - Save the 2-State solution

To PM Netanyahu and Global leaders  :

As Israelis, we urge you to endorse the legitimate bid for recognition of the state of Palestine and the reaffirmation of the rights of the Palestinian people. We object to the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian people by our government and support the Palestinian right to independence and freedom. We don't see the Palestinian declaration as a unilateral threat, but as an inspiring initiative, and believe that acknowledging the right of the Palestinians for a national home reinforces the parallel Israeli right. It is time to turn the tide on failed peace talks, and support steps that prevent renewed violence and move towards peace that benefits the two nations.  

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Support Palestinian Statehood - Save the 2-State solution
Tel-Aviv demonstration on June 4th - Israel says yes to a Palestinian state Photo by: Shalom Anassi, Peace Now

Our voices are being heard right inside the United Nations! Palestinian Ambassador Mansour just referred to our campaign in his announcement that Palestinians want to be the 194th member of the United Nations and thanked all of us for our willingness "to join this march [with the Palestinian people]...to end occupation..achieve independence and...allow justice and peace to prevail."

Let's build this petition and ramp up the pressure -- sign now and send to everyone!

Watch the full statement here

It's a hot summer in Israel. But unless we act now - it could get much hotter in September, when the UN General Assembly will vote on the recognition of a Palestinian state.

In the wake of repeated failed negotiations, this recognition is crucial to advance the chance for a two-state solution. Over 120 nations already support this non violent, diplomatic bid for Palestinian self determination. The UN vote on a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders reinforces the commitment of the international community for a safe Israel. But our government is vehemently opposing it -- acting against peace and against the Israeli national interest.

Next week, the Palestinians will present their proposal to the Security Council and key countries are deciding now how they will respond. We can't allow our government to lead us to more war and bloodshed. Let's raise our voices together and give massive support to this legitimate proposal. Click here to sign the petition!

After terminally sabotaging the efforts to renew serious peace negotiations by insisting on impossible conditions; Bibi's government is now suffocating the remaining chances for a two-state solution, by pressuring the US administration and others to reject UN recognition of a Palestinian state.

It is up to us to stop the reckless roller coaster that Bibi is driving and tell the world that many Israeli citizens object to the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian people by our government and support the Palestinian right to independence and freedom. Click here to sign the petition!

The decades-long occupation of Palestinian people and land; the anti-democratic bills that limit the freedom of speech and protest - are all encouraging the deligitimization of Israel. If the Palestinians lose this unique chance for freedom, the world could give up on the two-state solution.

It is in our power and our civil duty to turn things around. We will deliver the petition to PM Netanyahu and to key international leaders, to prove that the Israeli public will not be manipulated by its government into giving up this unique chance for peace, security and stability.Click here to sign the urgent petition and tell everyone!


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