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India -- become a climate champion!

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India -- become a climate champion!
Leaders from across the Commonwealth are meeting this weekend, just one day before the global UN climate talks in Paris.

If the 53 commonwealth leaders agree on the two key pillars of the global climate deal now -- a commitment to 100% clean energy and funding to the world’s poorest, they will form a powerful alliance of rich and poor countries that could determine the success in Paris.

Minister Sushma Swaraj is attending the Commonwealth meeting, let’s urge her to bring the rest of the Commonwealth together behind a plan of zero poverty, 100% clean energy!

Use the form on the right to send a message -- below are some points you can make, but remember the more personal and hopeful your message, the better.
  • I support India’s call for richer countries to commit long-term finance to protect the world’s most vulnerable people from devastating climate impacts.
  • As you meet other Commonwealth leaders ahead of the crucial Paris summit, I’m counting on you to pressure UK, Canada and Australian governments to make concrete commitments.
  • India’s renewable energy push is impressive. To stay below the internationally agreed 2 degrees of warming, we must go further, agreeing a long-term goal to decarbonise the global economy by mid-century in Paris to ensure that India’s poor have a secure future.
  • The 53 countries meeting in Malta could set the stage for success in Paris if nations agree now on a commitment to decarbonisation and funding to the world’s poorest.

Join the Global Climate March

On November 29th the day before the most important climate summit of the decade, Avaaz members all over the world are taking to the streets everywhere for the largest climate march in history.

Find an event near you or start your own!