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India: Pledge peace and unity in diversity

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Treat all people equally and embody India's spirit of unity in diversity." 

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India: Pledge peace and unity in diversity
Our hearts broke when packed trains left south India, carrying our terrified north-eastern brothers and sisters. But this is also a moment when we can come together as friends and ordinary citizens to send a resounding message of peace and acceptance for all.

The exodus began when fake threats of reprisal attacks for the violence in Assam began spreading panic amongst the north-eastern community. Regardless of where those SMS and social media messages originated from, the vast number who fled reflects the marginalisation and fear that many feel in Indian society. Let’s turn this around by using our Facebook and Twitter accounts as a force for good and spread messages of unity, not division.

Sign this pledge to stop racism against all communities and share it on Facebook and Twitter. When 50,000 of us sign, Avaaz will also put up a giant hoarding in Guwahati where trains to and from north-east India stop, to reassure frightened travellers that we stand together.


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