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Stop GM on steroids

To Kickstarter:

Kickstarter is being used to fund a project that will make a new life form using controversial techniques of synthetic biology -- an extreme form of genetic engineering. This technology is so new that no one is regulating it yet, but the UN and other groups are calling for caution. Kickstarter already sets out rules blocking risky products like weapons and offensive ones like hate speech and pornography. It’s time to add bioengineered lifeforms to the list of things prohibited by Kickstarter's ethical guidelines. 

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Stop GM on steroids

For the first time ever genes never created in nature could be unleashed on our planet. Scientists are planning to post this brand new life form to customers across North America, but if we act fast we can challenge their funding to stop the spread.

Synthetic biology uses computer generated genes rather than mixing genes from different plants and animals -- that’s why experts call it GM on steroids. The UN has called for caution and the US government says that none of these new organisms should be released into the wild without serious precautions -- but because the technique is so new, no government agency can stop this project. That’s where we come in. The funding is flowing through Kickstarter, a website better know for supporting fledgling artists than for giving biohackers a blank cheque to threaten our ecosystem.

Kickstarter helps people raise money for new projects but has rules against things like drugs and weapons. Let’s ask them to add bioengineering to the list -- click to sign and if 500,000 of us sign Avaaz will deliver a personal message to Kickstarter’s founders.

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