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Tell the government: The Arctic is not for sale

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Tell the government: The Arctic is not for sale
The government is poised to let Shell drill in the Arctic even though there's a 75% chance of a massive oil spill. But luckily, we can do something to stop it.  The US Department of Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is accepting comments on the Lease Sale of Arctic waters to Shell -- write an urgent comment using the tool on the right:

Points to consider for your message:
  • I strongly urge you to invalidate Shell Lease Sale 193 and to make the Arctic off-limits to oil exploration and development.
  • The 75% chance of a spill is completely unacceptable, especially since there is no known way to clean up oil in extreme arctic conditions that don't do further environmental harm.
  • Shell's drill ship ran aground and caught fire in the same Sea in 2012; and the EPA found it unprepared to control pollution. A company with a track record like this shouldn't be allowed in the Arctic.
  • You call the deal's climate change impacts "negligible", but you cannot ignore the impact that the burning of 4.3 billion barrels of oil will have on the global climate the Arctic.

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