Stop the Next Nuclear Disaster!
To UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon :
As global citizens, we call on you to urgently send an independent team of international experts to assess the dangerous situation at Fukushima Daiichi reactor #4 and recommend clear steps to prevent disaster. A pool of deadly radioactive cesium still sits exposed -- risking a human nuclear catastrophe 10 times as bad as Chernobyl. The Japanese government is not responding. It's time for urgent international action.
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Experts say an earthquake would cause the pool to collapse and release such high radiation that Tokyo would be unlivable and contamination would spread across the Pacific and into Asia. The Japanese government has the technology to stop this disaster, but, amazingly, is denying the risks -- trying not to cause panic. International intervention is now critical.
Global nuclear experts have joined with people across Japan to call on the UN for help, but so far it is falling on deaf ears. If we can amplify their call with a million voices from across the world -- we cannot be ignored! Fukushima is renowned for regular seismic shocks -- the risk is real and urgent, and the human consequences of a new disaster would be catastrophic for generations. Click below to join the call for emergency action now and forward this to everyone.
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