Unfassbare Tierquälerei in Chinas Hauptstadt Peking. Lebende Schildkröten in Plastik verschweisst als "Glücksbringer". Wir können das jetzt ändern!
So berichtet die österreichische Tageszeitung der Standard in Ihrer Onlineausgabe.
Diese unfassbare Quälerei muss gestoppt werden!!!
In English:
In China's capital, there is a new trend: salamanders, small fish and even turtles are sold in tiny plastic bags. The package is sealed and contains oxygen and a usually brightly colored broth.
The trapped animals can in this state according to the seller allegedly survive several weeks before they die. Animal rights organizations, however, contradict this information. The price for this cruelty is the equivalent of slightly more than one euro. Some of Beijing's population believe that they bring these living Keychains luck.
Thus, the Austrian daily Der Standard reported in its online edition.
"This incredible cruelty must be stopped!"
"Stoppen Sie die grausame Tierquälerei für Glücksbringer jetzt!"